The International Conference on Machine Learning, Data Analysis and AI Technologies Data-Fusion will be held on April 13-14. This year, the bias will be towards an intersectoral partnership for the development of AI technologies and working with data. You can register for the conference by following the link.

On the second day of the conference, the staff of the MMO laboratory will also speak:

Stream 1. ML+. Science Note. Optimization in the data analysis service, the speaker is Alexander Gasnikov, head of the laboratory. The section will be held from 10:05 to 10:55;

Stream 3. Environment Session. Optimization algorithms, one of the speakers is Alexander Beznosikov, Head of the Laboratory of Fundamental Research at MIPT—Yandex. Alexander will devote his speech to optimization in federal training. The section will be held from 11:40 to 13:00.

You can learn more about the program on the Data-Fusion website.

The general sponsor of the conference was VTB, partners — the Skolkovo Innovation Center and the online publication CNews.

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