MIPT invites you to participate in the competition of postdocs in leading laboratories. The deadline for submitting applications is June 15, 2023. The results will be announced no later than June 30 of the same year on the MIPT website.

Candidates, doctors of sciences and PhDs under the age of 35 inclusive, who have at least 5 publications of Web of Science, Scopus, RSCI, or patents for the last 5 years, are invited to participate in the competition on the track «Young Scientists». 

In the track «Established Researchers» expect contestants with an scientific degrees and work experience of at least 5 years, authors of at least 8 publications of Web of Science, Scopus, RSCI, or patents for 2018-2023.

The winners will be employed in the selected MIPT laboratory with a guaranteed monthly payment of 100-140 thousand rubles for the track «Young scientists» and 120-180 thousand rubles for the track «Established Researchers». The contract is signed for a period of up to two years. In addition to working in the laboratory, the winners must conduct pedagogical work at MIPT, it will be paid separately according to the workload. The winners must find a job in the receiving laboratory and start implementing the declared project no later than September 1, 2023. If there is a valid reason, the winner can apply to the competition commission with a request to postpone the deadline for employment and the start of the implementation of the declared project to a date no later than December 1, 2023.

The competition winners may be provided with a place in MIPT dormitory. Payment is collected in accordance with the rector's order on payment for the use of MIPT dormitories.

Scientists who have signed an employment contract with a Physical technician from January 01, 2021 until the day of the announcement of the competition (April 6, 2023) cannot participate in the competition. In exceptional cases, applications from MIPT employees who are not employed at the main workplace and have expressed their consent to conclude a labor contract with MIPT on the terms of full-time employment in case of winning the competition are considered within the framework of the competition.

How to apply:

1. Familiarize yourself with the competition regulations.

2. Prepare an application in the proposed form in Russian or English.

3. Choose a receiving laboratory and obtain its support to participate in the competition.

4. Send the application to the competition's email address: researcher@mipt.ru.

5. Pass an interview with the competition commission.

6. In case of winning, conclude a labor contract with MIPT on the terms of full-time employment.

You can consult on choosing a receiving laboratory and other issues by mail: researcher@mipt.ru

Source: MIPT website.

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