On December 6, 2023, the staff of the MIPT MMO laboratory held a seminar, where young scientists from the Institute of Problems of Machine Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPMash RAS) made their presentations. The seminar program is available at the link.

Topics of speeches by IPMash RAS employees:

“Identification of parameters of Fitzhugh-Nagumo neuron models based on the method of velocity gradient and filtration”

Speaker: Alexandra Rybalko, intern researcher at IPMash RAS, graduate student of mat-mecha at St. Petersburg State University

“Control with a guarantee of finding the input and output signals of an object in specified sets”

Speaker:  Ba Hu Nguyen, M.Sc. from IPMash RAS, PhD student at ITMO University

“Identification of parameters of the conservative multi-species Lotka-Volterra model”

Speaker: Alexander Semenov, M.Sc.s. and graduate student of IPMash RAS

The following reports were received from the laboratory staff:

Hierarchical Cyclic Pursuit: Algebraic Curves Containing the Laplacian Spectra

Speaker: Sergey Parsegov, MIPT

Numerical solution to an inverse problem for a hyperbolic heat equation with small parameter

Speaker: Georgy Akindinov, MIPT

“Application of gradient optimization methods to the solution of the retrospective Cauchy problem for the thermal conductivity equation in three-dimensional space and to the solution of the Fredholm integral equation of the 1st kind”

Speaker: Nikita V. Pletnev, MIPT

The seminar was organized as part of a short-term internship “Modern methods of optimization of systems and networks” for employees of IPMash RAS, which took place from November 29 to December 8, 2023. The business trip of the staff of IPMash RAS was supported by the megagrant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation No. 075-15-2021-573.

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