The laboratory staff made presentations at the ninth international QIPA conference on quasi-linear equations, inverse problems and their applications in medicine, geophysics, nano-physics, modeling of economic dynamics and traffic flows, physics of dispersive media. The event was held from December 4-6, 2023.

The following materials from the staff of the MIPT MMO laboratory were highlighted at the conference:

Oleg Savchuk, Fyodor Stonyakin, Alkousa Mohammad, Rita Rida Sabirova, Alexander Titov, Alexander Gasnikov. Online Optimization Problems with Functional Constraints under Relative Lipschitz Continuity and Relative Strong Convexity Conditions (4.12.2023)

Savelii Chezhegov, Alexander Rogozin and Alexander Gasnikov. On Decentralized Nonsmooth Optimization (декабрь 2023)

Ekaterina Borodich. Examples of saddle point problems with composite structure for which complexity separation plays a key role (04.12.2023)

Nikita Pletnev. Application of gradient optimization methods to the solution of the retrospective Cauchy problem for the equation of thermal conductivity in three-dimensional space (4.12.2023)

Alkousa Mohammad. Jointly work with: Sergei M. Puchinin and Fedor S. Stonyakin. Gradient-Type Method for Optimization Problems with Polyak-Lojasiewicz Condition: Relative Inexactness in Gradient and Adaptive Parameters Setting (4.12.2023)

Akindinov Georgy, Krivorotko Olga, Matyukhin Vladislav. Scientific supervisor: Alexander Gasnikov. Numerical solution to an inverse problem for a hyperbolic heat equation with small parameter (4.12.2023)

Ablaev Seydamet. Scientific supervisor: Stonyakin F.S. Adaptive subgradient methods for mathematical programming problems with quasiconvex functions (4.12.2023)

QIP 2023 was organized with the support of the FPMI and the Eurasian Association for Inverse Problems (EAIP). The conference program can be found at the link.

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