Krivorotko Olga Igorevna

Candidate of Science



2011 — Novosibirsk State University, Department of Mechanics and Mathematics, Novosibirsk, Russia.

2015 — Candidate of Computer Science (PhD) in Mathematical Modeling, Thesis: "Regularization of source problems for wave equations", supervisor supervisor prof. S.I. Kabanikhin.

Work Experience

Since 2022 — Specialist in system biology, BIOCAD, Saint-Peterburg, Russia

Since 2015 — Assistant Professor of Chair “Mathematical problems of Geophysics”, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia o Numerical Methods of Solving of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems

Since 2015 — Deputy Head of the joint laboratory “Methods of the development, research and identification of mathematical models of natural science”, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia

Since 2014 — Senior Scientist Researcher, Laboratory of Mathematical Methods of Geophysics, Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia o Researcher in the field of direct and inverse problems of mathematical physics, medicine and related fields, partially, researcher in the field of the source problems (determining the tsunami and earthquakes sources, thermoacoustic problem), immunology and epidemiology problems, numerical methods, machine learning, data scientist.

Since 2011 — Assistant Professor of Chair “Higher Mathematics”, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia


Numerical Methods of Solving of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems - lecture 1 year, NSU.

Vector and tensor analysis - lecture, 3-years students, Department of Physics, NSU

Research Interests

Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems in nature sciences and biology

Identifiability and sensitivity analysis

Optimization and regularization

Maching learning and optimization

Research Projects and Grants

Grants of President of Russian Federation MK-1214.2017.1 “Research and development of numerical algorithms for solving direct and inverse problems of immunology and epidemiology” (2017-2018) — project manager

Russian Foundation for Basic Research N. 17-52-14004 “Low-Count-High-Quality reconstruction methods for PET and SPECT imaging” (2017 - 2019) — executor

Russian Foundation for Basic Research N. 17-51-540004 “Justification of existing and development of new numerical methods for solving inverse and ill-posed problems for elliptic and parabolic equations” (2017-2018) — executor

Russian Scientific Found N. 18-71-10044 “Supercomputer analysis of social, epidemiological and economic processes. Theory, algorithms and software” (2018 - 2023) — project manager

Russian Foundation for Basic Research N. 18-41-540017 “Development of methods of computer modeling and program code for supercomputer of probabilistic forecast abnormal and dangerous natural phenomena in the Novosibirsk region” (2018 - 2020) — executor

Russian Foundation for Basic Research N. 18-31-20019 “Direct and inverse problems of social processes: theory, algorithms and software” (2018-2020) — project manager

Grants of President of Russian Federation MK-814.2019.1 “Analysis and application of machine learning methods to solving of inverse problems using parallel computations on supercomputer” (2019-2020) — project manager

Russian Foundation for Basic Research N. 21-51-10003 “Inverse Mathematical Modelling in Epidemiology” (2021-2022) — project manager

Grants of President of Russian Federation МК-4994.2021.1.1 “Agent modeling and forecasting of the spread of the coronavirus epidemic in the regions of the Russian Federation, taking into account the analysis of the effectiveness of containment measures” (2021-2022) — project manager

Awards and Recognitions

G.I. Marchuk Award for "Identifiability of Mathematical Models of Immunology and Epidemiology" (2021)

Prize of the mayor's office of the city of Novosibirsk in the field of science and innovation for the development of a forecast map for the spread of socially significant diseases in the city of Novosibirsk (2020)



Akindinov, G.D., Gasnikov, A.V., Krivorotko, O.I., Matyukhin, V.V., Pletnev, N.V. Gradient-type Approaches to Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems of Mathematical Physics (2024) Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 64 (9), pp. 1974-1990. Scopus DOI Q3

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