The meeting of the Mathematical Foundations of Control section within the traditional MIPT conference will be held on April 5, 2023, starting at 12:00. The meeting will be held in room 907 KPM. Students, graduate students, researchers, as well as representatives of educational institutions, scientific organizations and industrial enterprises can join the event. Participation in the conference is free.

The 65th MIPT All-Russian Scientific Conference includes many sections in the most advanced areas of science: radio engineering and computer technology, aerospace technology, business and technological entrepreneurship, nano-, bio-, information, cognitive and socio-humanitarian sciences and technologies, etc.

Participants will be able not only to meet and listen to leading scientists, but also to talk about their activities and hone their skills of pitching and promoting their ideas. Those reports that will be reviewed will be included in the collection of conference proceedings, indexed by the RSCI. The authors of the best papers will have the opportunity to publish their results in the form of scientific articles in the journal Proceedings of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, which is included in the list of VAK and RSCI.

Within the framework of the conference, a competition of scientific works will be held among graduate students of universities. The winners will be able to enter the MIPT Master's and PhD programs without entrance examinations. The prize-winners will receive from 10 to 25 points for individual achievements.

More information about the conference on the website. If you have any questions, you can contact the Organizing Committee by mail: (in the subject of the letter, indicate the name of the section, or 'General organizational question'). For operational communication with the organizing committee:

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