The head of the laboratory, Professor at MIPT Alexander Gasnikov, spoke at the third All-Russian Congress of Physics Teachers at Sirius in Sochi. The event brought together more than 300 teachers from 56 regions of Russia, about 1,500 people joined online. The congress of Physics Teachers  takes place from August 25 to 27, 2024.

The professor spoke about the competition between artificial and natural intelligences, as well as the popularization of the introduction of physics studies into educational courses.

«There are changes in many ways now, even in the teaching of classical disciplines that have not changed for centuries. For example, mathematical analysis. Now it needs changes, too, because artificial intelligence requires special, specific mathematics. At the same time, the problem is obvious — neural networks that “train” for certain knowledge do not have a physical picture of the world that a person owns. Physics also allows you to determine the main thing. Therefore, I consider the idea of introducing a mandatory Unified State Exam in physics for engineering specialties to be correct. The first thing I did when I came to Innopolis was to add physics to those programs where it was not previously implied,» Gasnikov said during his speech.

Within the framework of the congress, trends in education will be discussed, master classes by leading teachers on physical experiments in the school curriculum will be held: «Frontal laboratory work and a workshop on electrodynamics», «Natural phenomena through experimental observations» and much more. The organizers were MIPT, MEPI, Moscow State University and the Kurchatov Institute.

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