Vasily Novitsky, a laboratory researcher and graduate student, successfully defended his dissertation "New Estimates for Stochastic Gradient-Free Methods with a Single-Point Oracle" on November 7th at a meeting of the Dissertation Council of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (FPMI) on the basis of MIPT.
The scientific supervisor of the thesis was Alexander Gasnikov, the head of the laboratory. The Dissertation Council included Andrey Raigorodsky, director of FPMI; Vasily Golubev, professor of the department of informatics and computational mathematics at MIPT; Alexander Gornov, chief researcher at the laboratory of optimal control at IDSTU SB RAS; Igor Petrov, head of the department of informatics at MIPT; and Maxim Shishlenin, professor at the Russian Academy of Sciences.
After the defense, Novitsky also demonstrated his musical talent by playing the piano, adding a personal touch to the event.
The laboratory staff congratulates the colleague on his achievement and wishes him further success in science!