The project by D.V. Yarmoshik and others, together with the students of Sirius, was noted in the final presentation by Elena Vladimirovna Shmeleva. The study was included in the list of the 5 most successful projects of recent years in terms of visible results.
Students N. A. Iltyakov, M. A. Obozov and I. M. Dyshlevskiy were able to write and submit a paper “About accelerated component-by-component methods for finding equilibria in a two-stage model of equilibrium distribution of traffic flows” in the WoS magazine «Programming». The project result is also described on the Sirius website.
Nikita Iltyakov was also invited to Sirius for a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, where he presented «Big Challenges» and talked about the team's project.
The material was written as part of the Big Data direction of the Big Challenges Sirius project shift, which took place on July 1-24, 2023.
The laboratory staff congratulates N. A. Iltyakov, M. A. Obozov and I. M. Dyshlevsky on this achievement and wishes success in further research!