Nazykov Ruslan Vladimirovich

4'th year student MIPT DCAM

First year student YSDA

Born on June 01, 2002


MIPT DAMI AMP, IITP department 2020-2024

Work Experience

Scoltech internship — research work in the field of neural networks (summer 2022)



Solodkin, V., Chezhegov, S., Nazikov, R., Beznosikov, A., Gasnikov, A. Accelerated Stochastic Gradient Method with Applications to Consensus Problem in Markov-Varying Networks (2024) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 14766 LNCS, pp. 69-86. Scopus DOI Q2

Nazykov, R., Shestakov, A., Solodkin, V., Beznosikov, A., Gidel, G., Gasnikov, A. Stochastic Frank-Wolfe: Unified Analysis and Zoo of Special Cases (2024) Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 238, pp. 4870-4878. Scopus

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