Seminars on optimization of the FPM (2021-), HSE Faculty of Computer Science (2022)
Research Interests
Mathematical modeling of traffic flows, decentralized optimization, management of electric power systems
Meruza Kubentayeva, Demyan Yarmoshik, Mikhail Persiianov, Alexey Kroshnin, Ekaterina Kotliarova, Nazarii Tupitsa, Dmitry Pasechnyuk, Alexander Gasnikov, Vladimir Shvetsov, Leonid Baryshev, Alexey Shurupov. Primal-Dual Gradient Methods for Searching Network Equilibria in Combined Models with Nested Choice Structure and Capacity Constraints (2024) Scopus DOI Q3
Gasnikova, E.V., Gasnikov, A.V., Yarmoshik, D.V., Kubentaeva, M.B., Persianov, M.I., Podlipnova, I.V., Kotlyarova, E.V., Sklonin, I.A., Podobnaya, E.D., Matyukhin, V.V. Multistage Transportation Model and Sufficient Conditions for Its Potentiality (2023) Doklady Mathematics, 108 (Suppl 1), pp. S139-S144. Scopus DOI Q1
Demyan Yarmoshik, Alexander Rogozin, Alexander Gasnikov. Decentralized optimization with affine constraints over time-varying networks (2023) Scopus DOI Q3
Il’tyakov, N.A., Obozov, M.A., Dyshlevski, I.M., Yarmoshik, D.V., Kubentaeva, M.B., Gasnikov, A.V., Gasnikova, E.V. On Accelerated Coordinate Descent Methods for Searching Equilibria in Two-Stage Transportation Equilibrium Traffic Flow Distribution Model (2023) Programming and Computer Software, 49 (6), pp. 513-524. Scopus DOI Q3
Yarmoshik D., Rogozin A., Khamisov O.O., Dvurechensky P., Gasnikov A. Decentralized Convex Optimization Under Affine Constraints for Power Systems Control // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol. 13367, P. 62 - 75 Scopus WOS DOI Q3