Yudin Nikita Evgenievich

Date of Birth: February 14, 1996


2020 — Lomonosov Moscow State University, M.S. in Logical and Combinatoriсal Methods for Data Analysis, Degree with honors, qualifying paper "Variational Inference for Neural Stochastic Differential Equations"

2018 — Lomonosov Moscow State University, B.S. in Mathematical Methods in Information Processing and Decision-Making, Degree with honors, qualifying paper "Indirect Control of Dynamic Object"

Work Experience

2022-Present — researcher in Laboratory of Mathematical Methods of Optimization 

2021-2022 — researcher in Laboratory of Advanced Combinatorics and Network Applications 

2021 — researcher in Multimedia Systems and Technology Lab 

2018-2019 — researcher in Machine Intelligence Laboratory


2022-Present— Reinforcement Learning course at MIPT, lecturer 

2021-Present — Optimization Methods course at MIPT, teaching fellow 

2020-2021 — Probabilistic Topic Models at MIPT and MSU, teaching fellow 

2020-2021 — Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning at MIPT, MSU and MAI, teaching fellow 

2018-2021 — Neurobayesian Methods at HSE, MSU and YSDA, teaching assistant 

2018-2021 — Bayesian Methods in Machine Learning at HSE, MSU and YSDA, teaching assistant

Research Interests

Optimization (Scalable, Stochastic, Distributed, Parallel, Online) and Control Probabilistic modeling Natural Language Processing Topic Modeling Bayesian Methods in Machine Learning Deep Learning Computer Vision Automatic Speech Recognition Machine Learning and Data Analysis

Awards and Recognitions

2018 — Lomonosov Universiade in Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Prize-Winner



Yudin, N.E., Gasnikov, A.V. Regularization and acceleration of Gauss - Newton method [Регуляризация и ускорение метода Гаусса - Ньютона] (2024) Computer Research and Modeling, 16 (7), pp. 1829-1840. Scopus DOI Q4

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