Since 2020 we have been actively cooperating with Sirius. Every year we organize a project shift "Modern methods of information theory, optimization and management" for more than 100 students and postgraduates. In general, according to the results of each project shift, from 10 to 20 scientific articles are written. For example, in 2020 was made a webpage with reporting materials, and according to the results of the project shift in 2022, some of the articles were included in the special issue of the journal "Computer Research and Modeling".

Also in 2022, students took part in the program "Modern methods of information theory and optimization". We taught skills on modern methods of information theory and optimization, organized practical experience, including in the field of transport modeling and economic modeling.

Many students and postgraduates who are engaged in numerical optimization methods at MIPT are involved in project shifts. Based on the results of successful work on shifts, they can not only publish articles with project managers, but also participate in a competition for a "Scholarship for contribution to the development of numerical optimization methods named after B.T. Polyak". It is paid monthly from September 1 to January 31 in the fall semester and from February 1 to June 30 in the spring semester of the academic year in which the scholarship is awarded. The amount of the scholarship for 2023 is from 5,000 to 50,000 rubles per month.

In some cases students solve serious scientific problems during the projects. For example, in 2020 a student of the Higher School of Economics Daniil Tyapkin solved the problem of finding the best decentralized algorithm for searching for the Wasserstein barycenter. The results were published in the article AISTATS 2021.

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