The documentary film "In Love with Math" tells the stories of talented scientists who have dedicated their lives to mathematics. The film features two main characters: Alexander Gasnikov, the head of a laboratory, and Alexander Beznosikov, a researcher.

Director Olga Skleikina, who was recognized by the professional community for her work, said that the idea for the film came after meeting Gasnikov on the set of "Man of Labor." It was recognized by the professional community, was featured on many TV channels, and won prizes at film festivals. After that, Skleikina decided to offer Gasnikov to star in a film about mathematicians.

Skleikina wanted to show the world that mathematical scientists are not boring and outdated people, but free, creative individuals who are passionate about what they do. She stressed that her goal was to portray them in a positive light and to break stereotypes about mathematicians being boring and uninteresting. For his part, Alexander Gasnikov added that it would not be as interesting to make a film about one particular scientist as it would be about several scientists connected to each other.

"I recommended Alexander Beznosikov to the director as a very promising young scientist. Alexander brilliantly confirmed this by subsequently receiving the AI Leaders Award and the Yandex ML Prize. I also recommended paying attention to charming Dasha Dvinsky, who not only successfully engages in science, but also leads an active lifestyle, which certainly adds to her attractiveness. In fact, this is how our team was formed", the professor shared.

The director admitted that it was not so easy to dynamically show a mathematician's work. The film crew accompanied the characters in the new film and captured various moments from their lives. Unexpectedly, it turned out that important events occurred in the lives of the characters that unexpectedly ended up in the filming of Gasnikov's film.

One of the locations for filming the film was Sirius Educational Center, where the film's characters also talked to schoolchildren about the scientist's activities and shared their life paths. According to Alexander Beznosikov, the main idea behind the film is to portray science as stylish, fashionable, and young. "In Love With Math" is a social project aimed at changing the younger generation's perception, primarily.

"I would like to create a vivid and accurate image of a mathematician with our film, which is given little attention today. Blogging and television exist, but cinema as an art form is something I have not seen about mathematicians before. To show everyone that mathematicians are not boring, we will try our best to create such a film!" the director said.

The film will be produced by Yablonya Creative Association with the support of the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives.

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