Alexander Gasnikov, the Head of the MMO Laboratory, made a presentation at the YaTalks 2023 conference. The event was held offline in Moscow and Belgrade from December 5 to December 6, the full series of lectures is available here.

Alexander Gasnikov's speech is devoted to recent achievements related to obtaining accelerated batched methods for problems with retraining, accelerated tensor methods, accelerated methods under conditions of similarity of terms, accelerated methods for saddle problems, accelerated methods for distributed optimization problems with unbiased compression.

The audience rated the performance at 4.94/5. And the comments of the listeners are as follows:

– Beautifully and quite clearly, it was told about first-order optimization algorithms and distributed learning, excellent results were obtained by the laboratory, thank you for your research!
– Mathematics rules!!!
– On this report I realized that a maximum of 5 points is not enough for an assessment.
– In fact, and with a pace)
– It would be interesting to look at the schedule of citations of the works of Polyak and Nesterov. Thank
you – A strong report both in theory and in practice

The main Yandex conference is dedicated to presentations by renowned scientists on development, ML, as well as technological trends and skills. Not only popular science lectures were available to the audience. There were also master classes in such areas as frontend, backend, mobile development and many others.

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