Persiianov Michael Igorevich

Born on September 13, 2000


2022 — Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics and Physics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), Department of Control and Applied Mathematics, Moscow, Russia

Work Experience

Since 2022 — Junior researcher of the Laboratory of Mathematical Methods of Optimization MIPT, Moscow, Russia



Meruza Kubentayeva, Demyan Yarmoshik, Mikhail Persiianov, Alexey Kroshnin, Ekaterina Kotliarova, Nazarii Tupitsa, Dmitry Pasechnyuk, Alexander Gasnikov, Vladimir Shvetsov, Leonid Baryshev, Alexey Shurupov. Primal-Dual Gradient Methods for Searching Network Equilibria in Combined Models with Nested Choice Structure and Capacity Constraints (2024) Scopus DOI Q3

Yufereva, O., Persiianov, M., Dvurechensky, P., Gasnikov, A., Kovalev, D. Decentralized convex optimization on time-varying networks with application to Wasserstein barycenters (2024) Computational Management Science, 21 (1), статья № 12. Scopus DOI Q3


Gasnikova, E.V., Gasnikov, A.V., Yarmoshik, D.V., Kubentaeva, M.B., Persianov, M.I., Podlipnova, I.V., Kotlyarova, E.V., Sklonin, I.A., Podobnaya, E.D., Matyukhin, V.V. Multistage Transportation Model and Sufficient Conditions for Its Potentiality (2023) Doklady Mathematics, 108 (Suppl 1), pp. S139-S144. Scopus DOI Q1

Pasechnyuk, D.A., Persiianov, M., Dvurechensky, P., Gasnikov, A. Algorithms for Euclidean-Regularised Optimal Transport (2023) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 14395 LNCS, pp. 84-98. Scopus DOI Q2

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