Stonyakin Fedor Sergeevich

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, docent

Born on October 19, 1987


Read lecture courses and practical classes in the following disciplines: "Convex and Nonsmooth Analysis", "Computer Algebra. Systems of Analytical Computing", "Modern Adaptive Numerical Methods in BigData-Problems", "Elementary Mathematics", "Additional Chapters of Systems Analysis". 

Supervise the theses of bachelors, master students and postgraduate students.

Research Projects and Grants

1. The grant of the President of the Russian Federation for young condidates of sciences MK-15.2020.1 "Adaptivе algorithms for Optimization Problеms with Relative Accuracy" (supervisor). Expired in 2021.

2. The grant of the Russian Science Foundation 18-71-00048 "Development of the theory of adaptive and universal numerical methods for solving convex optimization problems with functional constraints and large amount of data" (supervisor). Expired in 2020.

3. The grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research 18-31-00219 "New approaches to subdifferential calculus and nonsmooth optimization" (supervisor). Expired at the end of 2021.

4. The grant of the President of the Russian Federation for young condidates of sciences MK-176.2017.1 "New approaches to duality theory for abstract cones and their applications" (supervisor). Expired in 2018.

5 The grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research 19-31-51001 "Distributed and parallel algorithms for solving data analysis problems" (adviser, supervisor - prof. A. V. Gasnikov). Expires in 2021.

6. The grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research 18-31-20005 "Development of general principles for constructing and analyzing the rate of convergence of numerical optimization methods based on the concept of the objective function model" (participant, supervisor - prof. A. V. Gasnikov). Expired in 2020.

7. The grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research 18-29-03071 "Big Data Solutions for modeling, analysis and transport processes optimization" (participant, supervisor - prof. E. A. Nurminsky). Finishing participation in 2021.

8. The grant of the Russian Science Foundation 18-71-10044 "Supercomputer analysis of social, epidemiological and economic processes. Theory, algorithms and complex of programs" (participant, supervisor - assistant professor O. I. Krivorotko). Finishing participation in 2021.

Awards and Recognitions

Over the years of work at the Small Academy of Sciences of the Crimea, "Seeker" with students has prepared many prize-winners of many Olympiads and competitions.

Among them are 3 prize-winners of the international competitions of scientific research works of students "Scientists of the Future" (MSU, 2011, 2012 and 2013), 1 prize-winner of the conference "Start in Science" (MIPT, 2015) and 1 prize-winner of the "Baltic Scientific and Engineering Competition" (ITMO, 2017).

One of the most important achievements is the absolute 3rd place of the pupil at the Intel ISEF 2014 International Competition in the USA, Los Angeles.

Over the years of work at the Small Academy of Sciences of Schoolchildren of the Crimea, "Seeker" I was awarded the gratitude of the Ministry of Education of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (2006), the diploma of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (2012), the gratitude of the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (2013), the award of the Republic of Crimea for work with talented youth named after V.N.. Kasatkina (2014), gratitude of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea (2015), etc.



Savchuk, O., Stonyakin, F., Alkousa, M., Zabirova, R., Titov, A., Gasnikov, A. Online Optimization Problems with Functional Constraints Under Relative Lipschitz Continuity and Relative Strong Convexity Conditions (2023) Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1881 CCIS, pp. 29-43. Scopus DOI Q4


Stonyakin F. , Gasnikov A. , Dvurechensky P. , Titov A. , Alkousa M. Generalized Mirror Prox Algorithm for Monotone Variational Inequalities: Universality and Inexact Oracle // Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 194, No. 3, P. 988 - 1013 Scopus WOS DOI Q1

Ablaev, S.S., Titov, A.A., Stonyakin, F.S., Alkousa, M.S., Gasnikov, A. Some Adaptive First-Order Methods for Variational Inequalities with Relatively Strongly Monotone Operators and Generalized Smoothness (2022) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13781 LNCS, pp. 135-150. Scopus WOS DOI Q2


Stonyakin, F., Tyurin, A., Gasnikov, A., Dvurechensky, P., Agafonov, A., Dvinskikh, D., Alkousa, M., Pasechnyuk, D., Artamonov, S., Piskunova, V. Inexact model: a framework for optimization and variational inequalities (2021) Optimization Methods and Software, 36 (6), pp. 1155-1201. Scopus DOI Q1

Titov, A.A., Stonyakin, F.S., Alkousa, M.S., Gasnikov, A.V. Algorithms for Solving Variational Inequalities and Saddle Point Problems with Some Generalizations of Lipschitz Property for Operators (2021) Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1476 CCIS, pp. 86-101. Scopus DOI Q4


Alkousa, M.S., Gasnikov, A.V., Dvinskikh, D.M., Kovalev, D.A., Stonyakin, F.S. Accelerated Methods for Saddle-Point Problem (2020) Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 60 (11), pp. 1787-1809. Scopus DOI Q2

Ivanova, A., Stonyakin, F., Pasechnyuk, D., Vorontsova, E., Gasnikov, A. Adaptive mirror descent for the network utility maximization problem (2020) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53, pp. 7851-7856. Scopus WOS DOI Q3

Titov, A.A., Stonyakin, F.S., Alkousa, M.S., Ablaev, S.S., Gasnikov, A.V. Analogues of Switching Subgradient Schemes for Relatively Lipschitz-Continuous Convex Programming Problems (2020) Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1275 CCIS, pp. 133-149. Scopus WOS DOI Q4

Stonyakin, F.S., Stepanov, A.N., Gasnikov, A.V., Titov, A.A. Mirror descent for constrained optimization problems with large subgradient values of functional constraints [Метод зеркального спуска для условных задач оптимизации с большими значениями норм субградиентов функциональных ограничений] (2020) Computer Research and Modeling, 12 (2), pp. 301-317. Scopus DOI Q4

Dvurechensky, P.E., Gasnikov, A.V., Nurminski, E.A., Stonyakin, F.S. Advances in low-memory subgradient optimization (2020) Numerical Nonsmooth Optimization: State of the Art Algorithms, pp. 19-59. Scopus DOI


Gasnikov, A.V., Dvurechensky, P.E., Stonyakin, F.S., Titov, A.A. An Adaptive Proximal Method for Variational Inequalities (2019) Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 59 (5), pp. 836-841. Scopus DOI Q2

Stonyakin, F.S., Dvinskikh, D., Dvurechensky, P., Kroshnin, A., Kuznetsova, O., Agafonov, A., Gasnikov, A., Tyurin, A., Uribe, C.A., Pasechnyuk, D., Artamonov, S. Gradient methods for problems with inexact model of the objective (2019) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11548 LNCS, pp. 97-114. Scopus DOI Q3

Titov, A.A., Stonyakin, F.S., Gasnikov, A.V., Alkousa, M.S. Mirror descent and constrained online optimization problems (2019) Communications in Computer and Information Science, 974, pp. 64-78. Scopus DOI Q4


Bayandina, A., Dvurechensky, P., Gasnikov, A., Stonyakin, F., Titov, A. Mirror descent and convex optimization problems with non-smooth inequality constraints (2018) Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 2227, pp. 181-213. Scopus DOI Q4

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